In a parent "Video Review" meeting for students currently studying Human Reproduction & Development at Tremont
School last Thursday evening, January 1 13, 2000, Dr. Mohammed Bayati, a Tremont parent himself and an AIDS/HIV
Researcher, surprised attending parents in an unanticipated lecture.
Dr. Al-Bayati shared his rently published 2-year research findings and an in-depth group discussion began. "This is
the biggest story of the new millennium," stated Dr. AP ayati, "This book is medical fact of evidence not based on
theory or hypothesis."
Dr. Al-Bayati has a Ph.D. in toxicology and Pathology from the University of California, Davis and is certified by the
American Board of Toxicology, D.A.B.T. & D.A.B.V.T.
Discovery of a patient, whose hysician came to Dr. Al-Bayati a 1997, with AIDS but not the 11V virus sent him on a indepth -search, which now he claims as cracked open the causes and treatment of AIDS and HIV.
Dr. Al-Bayati has spent the last 2 years researching the causes of AIDS "day & night." His research was not funded
by any medical group, a fact he believes keeps his studies unbiased, and includes medical facts dating back to 1925.
These findings are diagnostic recommendations for treatment.
Dr. Al-Bayati book is titled "Get All The Facts: HIV does Not Cause AIDS."
His views are supported by Professor Raabe, University of California, Davis and San Francisco Medical Foundation.
Many other scientists are currently evaluating his medical findings.
Zenger's Medical Health publication in San Diego, California writes, after reading and interviewing Dr. Al-Bayati's
findings, in this month's issue January 2000: "As the mainstream AIDS researchers continue to focus on the socalled 'Human Immunodeficiency Virus' or HIV, with the dogged persistence of Captain Ahab chasing Moby Dick -
and with the same lack of any positive outcome - a small but growing number of scientists worldwide continue the
search for better, more rational explanations of the true causes, treatment and prevention's of the known diseases
that constitute the 'AIDS' syndrome.
"In June, 1999 a new name, Dr. Mohammed Al-Bayati, was added to the list of alternative AIDS researchers who have
critiqued the established scientific literature, rejected the belief that HIV causes AIDS and come up with a different
explanation and the evidence to back it up."
The Well Being Journal, stated in its November/December 1999 issue: "Dr. Mohammed AIBayati has evaluated
worldwide AIDS epidemic and has found scientific evidence supporting what some physicians and health
professionals have believed for years - that HIV does not cause AIDS."
Recently, several copies of Dr. Al-Bayati publications have been sent out to the Secretary of Health, National Institute
of Health, Center of Disease Control, Governor Davis' office, President Clinton and Vice President Gore.
"My medical findings have had no negative comments from any person," said Dr. Al-Bayati.
Although these findings could be a medical breakthrough, the facts now face a political battle with 20 million dollars
flowing daily into the treatment of AIDS and HIV.
Dr. Al-Bayati states, "The war on AIDS is a classic example of mismanagement of great resources. Toxicology
experts should have been consulted about the cases of AIDS that appeared in 1981. How many lives and billion of
dollars that would have been saved!"
Dr. Al-Bayati also feels strongly that the current treatments of AZT, protease inhibitors and corticosteroids have to be
stopped now.
"We need to use more valid scientific approaches 'm working to understand diseases." Also stated Dr. Al-Bayati.
The Director of Health for the State of California was sent the publication last November an recently two letters from
Dr. AJ Bayati, but there has been no response as of yet.
Sacramento's television show "Health in America" just aired a 1 -hour program with Dr. AI Bayati and he has also
been guest speaker on several 1-hour medical radio broadcasts, within the last few weeks.
After hearing all the facts from Dr. Al-Bayati the group of Tremont parents left the meeting with a different view of AIDS
and HIV; in a somewhat dismayed state of how this local Dixon resident & fellow parent could possibly impact and
effect the lives of future generations.
To learn more about Dr. A Bayati's publication go on-line to You can purchase this book in
UCD bookstores or at You may also contact Dr. A. Bayati directly at (707) 678-4484.