Book review.


Roberto Giraldo, 'AIDS and Stressors', Fundation Arte Y Ciencia, Medellin Colombia 1997. 205 pages, ISBN 958 9458 03 3.


It is a pleasure to present this book containing a basis of rational scientific views concerning AIDS. It brings to the debate about the etiology of AIDS arguments for this syndrome to be a toxic and nutritional disease process opposing the infectious model hypothesis.

Although that the so-called human immunodeficiency virus, HIV does not fulfill the epidemiological, nor the biological, nor the common sense requirements to be the cause of AIDS, this syndrome has been characterized as a sexually transmitted infectious, viral entity. The reader draws from the chapters that the infectious model concerning AIDS prevails over the globe due to economic, philosophical and political pressures.

AIDS is the pick of an iceberg: it is the maximum manifestation of a global problem. It is the worst state of deterioration that the human immune system can obtain. The new revelation of circumstances that surround all groups of people that currently develop AIDS are their multiple, repeated, and chronic exposures to a variety of stressor agents.

In the last decades, there is abundant objective evidence for a continuing increment of stressor agents for the living beings of our planet having a chemical, physical, biological. mental and nutritional origin. These agents bring toxic effects to many species including humans. Their noxious effects are manifested on different corporal systems and many of them are particularly toxic to the immune system. We are exposed to them generally in an involuntary way through the conditions of life and occasionally in a voluntary way through life-style. A variety of these stressor agents are the cause of AIDS. The acquired immunodeficiency syndrome is an alarm bell for a species in a struggle to survive due to the hostile conditions in which the human ecosystem has been converted.

The chapters of "AIDS and Stressors I, II, III, and IV' were presented to the scientific community at the European Congress of Toxicology, EUROTOX '95 carried out in Prague, Czech Republic between 27 and 30 of August 1995. The abstracts of these papers are published in the Supplement 1/78 of Toxicology Letter, August 1995, pages 34 and 35. These four papers contain poignant conclusions after more than 10 years of studying the AIDS scientific literature.

The chapter of "AIDS is neither and infectious disease nor is it sexually transmitted" is the summary of a lecture presented at various Colombian cities during 1996 and 1997. It represents in short my main conception or AIDS.

The chapter of "AIDS: crisis in the scientific method" is an open letter sent to the infectologists of Antioquia Colombia after a letter published by one of the main Colombian newspapers, "EI Colombiano". In it some of the most prestigious specialists in infectious diseases from of the state of Antioquia, criticize the views upon AIDS given in my lectures at the University of Antioquia during 1996. Copies of this open letter were sent to the Colombian National authorities of health, State and Municipal authorities of health, several Colombian universities and associations of health professionals.

The infectious model of AIDS together with its horendous consequence for the human kind, is the most frightful scientific fraud of the 20th century. It is the consequence of the excessive dependence on the germ theory or microbiologic prejudice, the crisis in the scientific method, and the atmosphere of corruption that surrounds all the sides of AIDS. In the end, it is a symptomatic fact of the crisis and decadency of the current society.

Leaving the crisis challenges all of us. Let us begin by stimulating the study and discussion of the international debate about the etiology of AIDS. Scientific knowledge is constructed more efficiently when antagonistic hypotheses are confronted.

The seriousness of this situation demands that we act in earnest. It is imperative to act with resolve!

Roberto A. Giraldo, MD
Queens, New York, August 1997