8th April 1921 - 14th November 1999
By Michael Baumgartner
Continuum Autumn 2000

One of the early leading voices of AIDS dissent died on November
14th 1999 after several months of illness. Besides being a
generous benefactor of organisations such as Continuum, Meditel
Productions and the International Forum for Accessible Science,
and a devoted AIDS-dissenter, Alfred Hässig accomplished more
than many can aspire to. Let us give some time here to honour his
life. A life that has touched many. A life that ended too early. A
life, shortened according to many by the tragic court case brought
upon him in his later days.
Alfred Hässig's life was that of dedication. In his
professional career he was dedicated to building up and developing
the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) Blood Transfusion Service and its
Central Laboratory in Bern (ZLB). He strongly influenced
immuno-haematology and other fields of medicine in Switzerland and
He was a circumspect doctor and scientist. His life-work was the
one of a doctor, a scientist and an entrepreneur. As a young
assistant doctor at the Institute of Hygienics at Zürich
University he followed a call in 1949 from Bern to become the head
of the Bacteriological and Serological Department of the newly
founded ZLB. In 1955 he became its director and in 1961 he became
unsalaried lecturer for immunology, essentials on transfusion and
forensic serology at the University of Bern.
Alfred was a successful pioneer. The first move was to build up a
modern blood-group serology with the aim to avoid and to treat
jaundice (hepatitis) of newly born children. The first
pastorizable and thus hepatitis-safe plasma protein product was
developed in 1954. This treatment for people with haemophilia has
been adopted by several European blood donation centres. It was
greatly appreciated by the people with haemophilia as it offered
them a life-saving treatment for their illness.
An important ethical principle in Hässig's professional life
was the non-remunerated nature of blood-donations, an idea which
was not, at the time, taken for granted in many countries,
including Switzerland. For this issue, ZLB recruited unpaid blood
donors and made them available to hospital blood banks, on
condition that they became members of the SRC Blood Transfusion
Service and no longer relied on paid donations. Within a few
years, non-remunerated blood donation had been introduced
throughout the country.
As a representative of Switzerland in the Council of Europe, the
World Health Organisation and the Federation of Red Cross and Red
Crescent Societies he successfully helped promote unpaid blood
donation in other countries. In the 1950s and 70s, the
recommendations of these international bodies were - unlike today
- mainly based on ethical considerations.
The introduction of routine blood screening tests in 1970 made
clear that paid donors were more frequently infected with
transfusion-relevant infectious pathogens than unpaid donors, and
that products from paid plasma sources thus carried a greater
His successful international engagement in support of unpaid blood
donation was met with considerable animosity from the emerging
profit oriented plasma product industry. Death threats, family
life interruptions by anonymous phone calls and attempted bribery
from those who wanted to benefit from human suffering were the
consequences. Hässig would not bend, putting altruism before
In 1962 Hässig was awarded the Marcel Benoist Prize. In 1966
he became professor of immunopathology, transfusion medicine and
forensic serology at the University of Bern. From 1974 to 78, he
was president of the German Society of Transfusion Medicine and
Immunohaematology, and from 1982 to 84 he presided over the
International Society of Blood Transfusion.
Upon his retirement from the ZLB he founded in 1986 together with
colleagues Kurt Stampfli and Hannes Cottier the Study Group for
Nutrition And Immunity in Bern. As an independent team they
investigated and addressed fundamental questions relating to the
influence of nutrition on ageing and old age disease such as
arteriosclerosis, as well as immunity and cancer.
During the last few years Hässig started to have doubts about
certain aspects of conventional allopathic medicine. A reputable
scientist who once was a treating physician himself he understood
that the increasing technocratic medicine had - despite great
achievements in heroic medicine - sadly little to offer when it
comes to actually successfully treating diseases. He started to
worry about wrong targets or incorrect decisions taken by doctors
as well as the pharmaceutical industries.
Unfortunately these years were overshadowed by legal proceedings.
He found himself being accused of 'manslaughter in second degree'
and 'careless behaviour in a position of responsibility' by four
'HIV positive' haemophiliacs. This case brought against him in
1993 had been provoked by the pharmaceutical industries. It hit
hard and made him turn his attention to AIDS. The reduction of the
infectious risk and the well-being of people with haemophilia had
been one of his central concerns throughout his life. The
accusation of 'manslaughter in second degree' was soon dropped. He
was found guilty of 'careless behaviour in a position of
responsibility' in 1998, despite lack of evidence. It was not only
a rather controversial but also political judgement. Only after
his death he was sentenced for two years on probation. He died
heart broken before the Federal Court confirmed this rather
political judgement upon appeal this year.
Alfred Hässig has always been a very conscientious and
far-sighted doctor and a socially inclined patron. One could call
him the father of blood transfusions in Switzerland. Medicine owes
him great respect and full appreciation.
In 1988 Alfred Hässig met Karl Lutz the founder of PADMA, a
company specialising in Tibetan Medicine and Felix DeFries founder
of the Study Group for AIDS Therapies. At a time when challenging
the AIDS-dogma was a lonely endeavour met with even greater
hostility than today, they alerted affected people to the dangers
of early AZT treatments and subsequent toxic drugs. Alfred was
appalled by the death sentence given by AIDS doctors to already
vulnerable people. This unfortunately today common sort of
mal-practice made him look into non-aggressive therapeutic models
in AIDS. He put together important information on treating immune
deficiency with natural medicine. Many of his powerful
investigative publications on AIDS, suggesting non-harmful
treatments were published in CONTINUUM.
Vivid is the memory when a gay man affected by AIDS called the
office to tell Alfred, that he considers him to have saved his
life by breaking the deadly spell hanging over the heads of
labelled people. Indeed, when ever asked to speak on the
misrepresentation of AIDS and in support of people living with a
positive 'HIV' test result he would do so nationally and
internationally. His office became a meeting point for radical
thinkers and a refuge for people living with a 'HIV' positive test
result. How many have survived, possibly thanks to Alfred
Hässig's work, history will tell.
Due to a mutual sponsor of his work and my studies, Alfred and I
met in the early 90s. He encouraged me when leaving my job to
follow my calling, starting to work on the human rights side of
the AIDS disaster. His office became IFAS' first home. His gentle
spirit and inspiration and the quality of his work is greatly
missed by his sixteen colleagues.
Besides initially helping to establish the Swiss AIDS Foundation,
Hässig generously supported financially over several years
several AIDS-dissident organsiations amongst them Meditel
Productions, Continuum and IFAS. He was proud to be part of a
movement combining such a diversity of individuals. He enjoyed
relaxed social moments just as much as the sometimes heated
debates, something he saw at risk of extinction in modern
scientific progress.
Alfred Hässig died at the age of seventy eight. He is
survived by his sister, his three children and five
grand-childern. He will be remembered by his many friends and
colleagues. Concerned about the people at risk of iatrogenic
(medically induced) death, he had asked me before his death, if I
would continue this, our work. The people affected are not safe
yet, the AIDS-war is not over yet. My answer was 'Yes'. This
commitment remains.
Thank you, Alfred
Thanks to Kurt Stampfli, Felix DeFries, Andreas Morell, Hans, Lena
and Marietta Hässig and Hans Wirz.