Barcelona, 6th to 15th March, 1998
Friday 6th
17:00h International Press Conference. 20:00h Public Inauguration:
A brief introduction of the Researchers, Associations,
Communications Media, etc., that are participating and an invitation to
join in and attend. 22:00h Welcome Dinner.
Saturday 7th
10:00h to 14:00h Study Session: Dr. Heinrich KREMER (Medical
Doctor, age 60, Germany): Understanding chronic illnesses via Evolutionary
Biology. 14:00h to 15:00h Presentation by
Continuum (a magazine produced by a group of people labelled
as HIV+/PWAs; U.K.). They have just published an interview with Dr. Montagnier
in which, for the first time, he has been questioned about his supposed
'Isolation of HIV'. His non-replies are extremely revealing.
16:00h to 20:00h Study Session: Dr. Alfred HÄSSIG
(Immunologist, age 76, Switzerland): Learn immunology in order to
understand that 'AIDS' is an autoimmune phenomenon.
20:00h to 22:00h Joan SHENTON: Presentation of MEDITEL.
Viewing of some of their critical documentaries shown on Channel Four TV
(U.K.). Exclusive: Presentation of their book "Positively False",
which is about to be published. 22:00h Cultural/Fun event.
KIT. Pop-Folk-Core group. Songs from Dylan to Carly Simon, including
the Beatles and David Bowie.
Sunday 8th 10:00h
to 14:00h Study Session: Dr. Gordon STEWART (Epidemiologist,
age 78, U.K.): Epidemiology proves there is no epidemic of 'AIDS'.
14:00h Presentation by IFAS (International Forum for Accessible
Science, Switzerland) Their General Secretary, Michael BAUMGARTNER,
will explain their objectives and in particular their efforts
focussed on achieving, for the first time,
that dissident scientists are heard, in the XII International Conference
on 'AIDS' (Geneva '98). 16:00h to 20:00h
Study Session: Dr. Heinrich KREMER (Medical Doctor, 60, Germany): The
Basic Conceptual Errors of the Pseudoscience of 'AIDS'. The Balance of
these 16 years, and the Alternatives. 21:00h Cultural/Fun event.
Snacks ("Tapas") and drinks in the "Tascas" (Typical
old-style taverns) in Barcelona old-town.
Monday 9th
13:30h Dr. Christian FIALA (Austria): Presentation
of the book "Lieben Wir gefärlich?" (Do we love dangerously?).
20:00h Public Discussion Group with Dr. STEWART (Epidemiologist,
78, U.K.): Is there an 'AIDS' epidemic, or is it a deliberate statistical
artefact?. 22:00h Cultural/Fun event.
Tuesday 10th 12:30h
Demonstration with placards in St. Jaume Square, and handing-in
of official, poisonous medicines to the Generalitat and the Town Council.
20:00h Public Discussion Group with Drs. HÄSSIG and KREMER:
Are the 'AIDS' tests valid, or should they be abolished? Is 'AIDS' a (contagious)
disease which needs treatment, or is it a construct which should be dismantled?
22:00h Cultural/Fun event: The DESSEUS Duo (guitar
and saxophone) play works by Jacques Ibert, Manuel de Falla and Astor Piazolla.
Wednesday 11th 13:30h
Bernd HAUSSER (hemophiliac, Germany): Testimony of a hemophiliac
who, step by step has discovered the falsehoods of 'AIDS'
20:00h Public Discussion Group with Dr. LANKA: Does
'HIV' exist or is it a conciously-designed technical mirage? (Incidentally,
there is an International Award of more than three million pesetas for
anyone who can present proof of the existence of 'HIV').
22:00h Cultural/Fun event. Surprise!
Thursday 12th 13:30h
Dr. Eduardo VERZINI (Medical Doctor, Argentina): Testimony of a five-year
legal battle which has resulted in the Court of Appeal of La Plata recognising
that it has not been demonstrated that 'HIV' causes 'AIDS'. 20:00h
Public Discussion Group with Dr. SSALI (Medical Doctor, age
67, Uganda): Are there non-aggressive treatments suitable for people labelled
as "'HIV' seropositive" or "'AIDS' cases"?
22:00h Cultural/Fun event. "Molestador Automatic"
and "Alternatiu X" present the satirical work "Paranoia
Friday 13th 13:30h
Dr. Enric COSTA (Medical Doctor, Valencia): Presentation of the second
edition of his the book "'SIDA': Juicio a un virus inocente"
("'AIDS': An innocent virus on trial"). 20:00h Public
Discussion Group with members of A.V.E.S.: A number of defeaters of
'AIDS' give their views. (And there ARE people who have defeated 'AIDS',
amongst those who do NOT take the official medicines, at least.) 22:00h
Cultural/Fun event: Rosa Zaragoza sings Songs of the Mediterranean.
Saturday 14th. 10:00h
to 14:00h Study Session: The official treatments, both
the allegedly antiviral ones and the allegedly preventive ones, are poisonous.
16:00h to 20:00h Study Session: Dr. Charles SSALI (Medical
Doctor, 67, Uganda): There are effective, non-aggressive treatments for
the energy-deficiencies and immuno-deficiencies and for the 29 diseases
disguised by the name 'AIDS'. 20:00h Dhamel
TAHI (Director, Paris): Viewing and discussion of his Documentary
"'AIDS': The Doubt", which was scheduled to be shown on the national
Spanish TV channel TVE and then cancelled due to pressure from the Officialist
doctors Najera, Parras, Clotet,... Viewing of his interview with Dr. Montagnier.
22:00h Cultural/Fun event. Immaculada Balsells at
the guitar plays themes by F. Tarrega, F. Sor, M. Llobet, H. Villalobos and
Sáenz de la Maza.
Sunday 15th 10:00h
to 14:00h Study Session: Dr. Stefan LANKA (virologist,
Germany): Virology shows there is no proof at all of the existence of 'HIV'.
16:00h to 20:00h Study Session: Dr. Stefan LANKA:
Beyond 'AIDS'. 21:00h Closing Dinner.
Moreover, from Monday
9th to Friday 13th, there will be, from 10:00h to 11:30h:
Thematic reunions (People labelled as 'HIV+'/'AIDS', family
members, therapists, legal aspects, questions of information, finances,
etc.); 12:00h to 13:30h General reunion;
and 16:00h to 19:30h Medico-Scientific education.
(AS OF FEB 28TH, 1998):
- A.V.E.S. (Association of Victors over the 'AIDS' Labels)-Barcelona
- REGIMED (REsearch Group for Investigation in MEDicine and journalism)-Germany
- C.O.B.R.A. (Orientative Center for Applied Bio-Regeneration)-Barcelona
- ECOS (Complementary Studies Oriented towards 'AIDS')-Madrid
- Alfredo Embid-Madrid
- Higea-Madrid
- GEAS ('AIDS' Alternative Studies Group)-Valencia
- MuM (Wissenschaft, Medizin und Menschenrechte)-Germany
- TAPS (Current Topics in Promotion of Health)-Brazil
- Continuum Magazine-U.K.
- Study Group for Immunity and Nutrition-Switzerland
- IFAS (International Forum for Accessible Science)-Switzerland
- GETS (Study Group for 'AIDS' treatments)-Switzerland
- Andromeda-Italy
- Carta 200-Italy
- CTG (Global Treatments Center)-Barcelona
- Psychobiological Study Association
- Medical Center for Life and Health-Barcelona
- La Rosa Center for Natural Treatments-Sabadell
- Athanor-Barcelona
- Naturopathic Studies Center-Barcelona
- Aeolam Vital-Barcelona
- SAREHU (Health and Human Relations)-Málaga
- Luna Llena (Full Moon)-Madrid
- La Riera Vegetarian Restaurant-Barcelona
- Librería Epsilon (Epsilon Bookshop)-Barcelona
- Librería Epsilon Natura (Epsilon Natura Bookshop)-Barcelona
- Librería Verde (The Green Bookshop)-Madrid
- Editorial Índigo (Indigo Publishers)-Barcelona
- Enrique Martín Editorial (Enrique Martin Publishers)-Barcelona
- Revista 'Vivir con Salud' (Healthy Living Magazine)-Barcelona
- La Plana Cooperative-Barcelona
- Atencu Llibertari del Bergadá-Berga
- Cheminova International, S.A.-Madrid
- Tienda Integral-Barcelona
(NOTE: We invite other associations,
bookshops, publishers and interested groups to participate. An additional
page will be added with the names added after 28th Feb.)
C.O.B.R.A. Association
Galileo 333, 2o, 1a
08028 Barcelona
Tel: (93)419-6824
Int'l: +34 3-419-6824
The reunions will take place in:
Blasco de Garay, 2, (1st floor)
Tel: (93)443-0469
Int'l: +34-3-443-0469
Metro Stations Poble Sec or Paral.lel (Green Line, Line 3)
Buses: Routes 20, 36, 57, 64, 91
Inscription for the Study Sessions: 1 week-end 10,000 Pesetas. Both
week-ends 16,000 Pesetas. Members of the participating Associations, half
price. (But nobody should stay away for financial reasons)