Hunger Strike Durban AIDS Conference
First day 9 July 2000
We support with all our heart, mind and power the decision of President
Mbeki to initiate a scientific debate on HIV/AIDS. With our action, we wish
to call attention to what we consider to be the decisive points to
definitively clarify: 1) The isolation or not of 'HIV', and 2) the validity
or not of 'HIV-tests'.
For six days at the Geneva-1998 XII AIDS World Conference we held a hunger
strike under the banner "Where is the proof that HIV exists?" No answer was
provided, nor was any sent later to the given addresses. During his
international press conference Dr. Gallo was asked: "Will you present to the
hunger strikers the scientific proof of the existence of HIV?" Dr. Gallo's
answer was "Shut up!"
Here we are again demanding the same proof. The most recent indication that
this proof probably does not exist appears in the so-called Durban
Declaration. It has 13 references. It begins stating "Seventeen years after
the discovery of HIV (.)". No reference is given.
We demand of Dr. Coovadia, President of this XIII AIDS World Conference,
that he provide us with scientific articles that may be quoted as original
references in which it is proven that 'HIV' has been isolated, that the
'HIV-proteins' and 'HIV-RNA' have been characterized - all of which is
essential to viral isolation.
Second day 10 July 2000
We totally support the decision of President Mbeki to
initiate a scientific debate on HIV/AIDS. With our
action, we wish to call attention to what we consider
to be the two decisive points to bring an end to AIDS:
1) The isolation of ‘HIV’, and 2) the validity of
Some more information on the isolation of ‘HIV’:
- In 1984 Dr. Robert Gallo and Dr. Luc Montagnier told
to the world that HIV-1 is a lentivirus, has a long
period of latency and is very difficult to find. In
1995 Dr. Ho taught to the world that HIV-1 is a virus
ŕ grand vitesse, that multiplies billions of copies
from the very first day and that is found everywhere.
The fundamental question is how HIV-1 may be at the
same time a lentivirus and a virus ŕ gran vitesse; to
have a long period of latency and to multiply billions
of times from the very first day; to be very difficult
to find and to be found everywhere. And secondary but
important questions are how the international
scientific community accepted this spectacular change
with no discussion, and why Dr. Gallo, Dr. Montagnier
and their followers accepted without discussion or
protest the elimination of their model of HIV-1
- The number of ‘HIV-proteins’ increased from two
originally identified to finally 10. All of these are
proteins naturally present in human cells, making it
the first time that a supposed virus has not one
unique protein to itself.
- The number of components (nucleotides) of the ‘HIV’
genetic information is said to be 9.150. But the
differences between the so-called ‘HIV-DNAc’ from one
patient to another may differ about 40 %, much more
that the RNA differences between ‘HIV-1’ and ‘HIV-2’.
Some more elements on the non-validity of ‘HIV-tests’:
- By 1996, in scientific articles, it has been shown
that 67 different illnesses and conditions produces
antibodies that may cause to test false positive for
“HIV”. These include illnesses such as malaria,
tuberculosis, hemophilia, leprosy, flu, hepatitis,
renal failure, autoimmune diseases, malignant cancers,
mycobacterium avium, herpes simplex, rheumatoid
arthritis,…, and conditions such as pregnancy in
multiparous women, hepatitis B vaccination, organ
transplantation, alcoholic hepatitis, blood
transfusion, flu vaccination, heat-treated specimens,
receptive anal sex,...
- Since 1992 the Western Blot “HIV-test” has not been
used for diagnosis in England and Wales because it is
considered too unreliable.
- Different interpretation criteria are applied in
different countries. For instance, the majority of
people diagnosed ’HIV-positive’ by one or both ELISA
and Western Blot tests in Africa and other countries
would be consider ‘HIV-negative’ in Australia because
more restrictive criteria are applied there.
Third day 11 July 2000
From an hour before the Opening Ceremony, we have held
a hunger strike under the banner WHERE ARE THE
When our association began its activities for 10 years
ago, we accepted the established HIV-AIDS hypothesis.
But with friends dying on the way, we have come to
question the conventional model of HIV-AIDS
From our own experience and from the information and
training given by relevantly qualified scientists and
medical doctors, we have come to the conclusion that
"HIV" has never been isolated.
Our experiences includes the following:
a) A letter of the Secretary of the General Council of
the Medical Colleges of Spain:
In reply to your request by faxes during the month of
December (1996) this General Council does not possess
the data you demand in relation to the documentation
that demonstrates that HIV, causing AIDS, has been
isolated. I regret not to be able to satisfy your
Yours sincerely
Antonio Entisne
Madrid, 12.18.1996
Dr. Entisne was phoned before travel to South Africa
and answered that the situation remains unchanged.
b) By order of the King of Spain, the Spanish Royal
House has made 3 petitions (1997.10.15, 1997.12.31 and
1998.02.14) to the Minister of Health for providing
the scientific proofs of the isolation of 'HIV'. The
Health Minister has never answered.
c) In Geneva-1998 we held also a Hunger Strike under
2000.07.02 at an international press conference Dr.
Gallo was asked, “Shall you present to the hunger
strikers the scientific proof of the existence of
‘HIV’ they ask for, Dr. Gallo?” It was not a loud
answer, but people in the first rows could clearly
hear “Shut up!”
In Germany, USA, UK, Italy, France, Chequia,…, similar
petitions have been made to the health authorities
with same results: no proof has been provided.
That means that nobody can affirm the existence of
“HIV”. Some direct consequences are:
- The "HIV-tests" have no meaning in relation to
“HIV/AIDS”, and only generate fear and desperation -
leading too often to suicide - and should be
immediately be banned,
- "HIV" cannot be the cause of "AIDS",
- The toxic medications (such as AZT to pregnant women
and their babies, and in cocktails) administered as
"anti-HIV" drugs have no justification and also should
be immediately outlawed.
As we have looked for other explanations for AIDS, we
have learned a lot on health and life. We offer
doctors ready ---for free; only no cost--- to come to
South Africa or other countries, to meet the medical
responsible of hospitals where dozens of persons are
"dying of HIV/AIDS", to explain another approach to
'AIDS' and another strategy to healing, to agree one
or several protocols and to begin to treat them with
much more cheaper and less aggressive drugs. In 2-3
days (the majority of) them will show clinical
improvements (feel better, more force, gain of
weight,…). In 2-3 weeks (the majority of) them will
show analytical improvements (better blood analysis,
higher number of lymphocytes, more IL2,…). In 2-3
months, for (the majority of) them the entire picture
will be changed and they will be out of danger. In
6-10 months the probably most persistent
characteristic of "AIDS cases", high IGG, will be in
range. (Almost) no of them will increase the
statistics of "AIDS dead". And we offer testimonies in
the mentioned countries of AIDS-winners.
This Congress unites thousands of "AIDS-specialists".
We demand of the President of this Congress, Dr.
Coovadia, to provide the proof for the existence of
“HIV” that the Health Ministers of Spain and other
countries have been unable to furnish. We seek the
scientific articles that may be quoted as original
references proving the isolation of "HIV" - including
the characterisation of the "HIV proteins" and of the
"HIV RNA" which are essential to viral isolation.
Until this proof is provided, in all countries the
administration of the so-called 'anti-HIV cocktails'
and in particular the embryo-deforming poison AZT to
pregnant women must be stopped.
We invite people and associations from every country
to put the same question to their health authorities
responsible for 'AIDS'.
If we do not receive this proof, tomorrow we will
continue our hunger strike in front of ICC main
We ask more people to join us and more associations to
support our hunger strike.
Fourth day 12 July 2000
Our aim has been and is to find and to offer solutions
for “AIDS” problem. Our motivation has been and is to
contribute as much as possible to save lives and to
avoid unnecessary pain.
In our efforts since 1990 in this direction, we have
arrived to the provisional conclusions that there is
no scientific proof that “HIV” has been isolated and
that “HIV-tests” are valid.
For this reason that we are now here demanding these
We merely ask for the one, two or very few published
scientific articles that may be quoted as original
references proving the isolation of "HIV" - including
the characterisation of the "HIV proteins" and of the
"HIV RNA" which are essential to viral isolation-, and
proving that “HIV-tests” are valid. As we have change
before, we should change now or in the future if these
scientific articles we ask for should be provided
during this XIII International AIDS Conference or that
they are made available to our associations at a later
Methodologically is important to separate that the
validity of the hypothesis “HIV exists and is the
cause of AIDS” is not depending of if there is another
proven explanation of “AIDS” tragedy. That is, the
idea that “HIV does not exist and HIV is not the cause
of AIDS” cannot be made dependant on knowing exactly
what does cause this problem called “AIDS”. If a
person is innocent of a crime, his innocence cannot be
made to depend on finding the real criminal. It is
methodologically decisive to separate the falsity of
"HIV exists and cause of AIDS" from the acceptance of
what is the real explanation of “AIDS”.
So we invite every person, association, institution,
etc., that also understands that the current
explanation “HIV exists and is the cause of AIDS” is
wrong to join our respective efforts in looking for
another explanation.
We contribute in this research informing you that we
have learned, thanks to numerous scientists and
medical doctors, that the answer may be the chronic
stress. The five main sources of chronic stress are
psycho-emotional, nutritional (including alimentary
allergies), toxic (including medical drugs),
infectious and traumatic.
A persistent stress produces a desequilibrium in the
immune functions that allows to explain both an
inhibition of lymphocytes T (allowing the
proliferation of fungi: pneomocystis carinii,
candidas, etc) and an activation of lymphocytes B
(producing more antibodies, especially autoantibodies,
and so facilitating to give positive to “HIV” and to
other antibodies tests, like hepatitis B or C tests).
As we said yesterday, looking for other explanations
for AIDS, we have learned a lot on health and life.
We offer doctors ready ---for free; only no cost--- to
come to South Africa or other countries, to meet the
medical responsible of hospitals where dozens of
persons are "dying of HIV/AIDS", to explain another
approach to 'AIDS' and another strategy to healing, to
agree one or several protocols and to begin to treat
them with much more cheaper and less aggressive drugs.
In 2-3 days (the majority of) them will show clinical
improvements (feel better, more force, gain of
weight,…). In 2-3 weeks (the majority of) them will
show analytical improvements (better blood analysis,
higher number of lymphocytes, more IL2,…). In 2-3
months, for (the majority of) them the entire picture
will be changed and they will be out of danger. In
6-10 months the probably most persistent
characteristic of "AIDS cases", high IGG, will be in
range. (Almost) no of them will increase the
statistics of "AIDS dead".
And we offer testimonies in Spain and in other
countries (USA, UK, Germany, France, Italy) of
“AIDS”-winners. To organise a World Conference of
“AIDS”-winners would put a very powerful light on this
problem and would open the door to a definitive end of
If we do not receive the proof we ask for, tomorrow we
will continue our hunger strike in front of ICC main
Fifth day 13 July 2000
Neither in Geneva-98 nor in Durban-2000, have the
Chairmen of the respective AIDS International
Conferences and the thousands of “AIDS specialists”
attending them answered the petition we support with
our hunger strike. We ask for the published scientific
articles that may be quoted as original references
proving the isolation of "HIV" - including the
characterisation of the "HIV proteins" and of the "HIV
RNA" which are essential to viral isolation, and
proving that “HIV-tests” are valid.
In the last five years we have been reading carefully
Dr. Gallo’s, Dr. Montagnier’s, Dr. Ho’s, etc. papers
and we have only found indirect signs and ascientific
assumptions none of which establish that a real new
exogenous (retro)virus named “HIV” was isolated.
We invite you to send to our address in Barcelona or
to our friends’ web sites in English (given below),
any papers that you regard as proof of the isolation
of HIV and the validity of the HIV-antibody and
HIV-PCR tests.
But if you don’t have these proofs, don’t worry.
Thanks to the initiative of President Mbeki, the
answer will be provided in a soon. At its meeting hold
in Johannesburg on 3rd and 4th July 2000, the
Presidential Advisory Panel agreed (CDC included and
with no official dogmatists daring to oppose publicly)
to perform experiments that will address the questions
raised in our two petitions.
It will be verify the validity of “HIV tests” in a
manner never before attempted in “AIDS science”, that
is, by means of applying ‘the gold standard’. This
means that for each test of the blood of a significant
number of persons that give a positive “HIV-test”
result, “HIV” must be isolated. Using the same
technique, in the blood of a significant number of
persons that give a negative “HIV-test” result no
“HIV” must be isolated.
The results of these experiments will contribute
decisively to bring an end to “AIDS”, and we hope that
as a result it will not be necessary to hold the XIV
AIDS International Conference. In any event you are
welcome to participate in the First World Congress for
Health and Life that we propose to organise over the
same dates in Barcelona, our city. Persons,
associations, institutions, etc., interested in
associating themselves with our congress and/ or
co-organising are invited to contact us.
Sixth day 14 July 2000
We offer doctors ready to come to South Africa or
other countries, to meet the medical authorities at
hospitals where dozens of persons are “dying of AIDS”,
to agree protocols and to begin to treat them with
cheaper and non-aggressive treatments. In few months
the majority of them will be out of danger.
We offer testimonies of persons who 8, 10, 14 or more
years ago were diagnosed “HIV positive”, were said to
have one or two years left to live but are still
healthy, alive and well.
These concrete and real offers are based on another
approach to the “HIV/AIDS” problem and its global
framework that allows another qualitative kind of
If you wear sunglasses, you see the reality darker;
but this darkness is not in the reality but in the
type of glasses you wear. If you wear
“HIV/AIDS”-glasses, you see “HIV/AIDS” everywhere; but
perhaps “HIV” and “AIDS” are not in the reality, but
in the glasses you use to see and interpret this
On “HIV”: For five years we have looked for the
scientific proofs of the isolation of “HIV”. We have
carefully read Dr. Gallo’s, Dr. Montagnier’s, Dr.
Ho’s, etc. papers and we have only found indirect
markers and ascientific assumptions none of which
establish that a real new exogenous (retro)virus named
“HIV” was isolated. For this reason we held a hunger
strike in Geneva-98 and again now in Durban-2000. We
ask for the published scientific articles that may be
quoted as original references proving the isolation of
"HIV" - including the characterization of the "HIV
proteins" and of the "HIV RNA" which are essential to
viral isolation. If you consider you have these proofs
at work or at homes, please send them us to our
address in Barcelona or to our friends’ web sites in
English (given below).
On “AIDS” in Africa: The Weekly Epidemiological Record
published by WHO 26 November 1999, in its Global AIDS
surveillance informs that the total number of
“AIDS-cases” (nor “AIDS-death) reported in 18 years
for the whole Africa is 794.444. As not all
“AIDS-cases” are reported, you may multiply this
figure by 2, by 3, by 5, perhaps by 10. But nothing
supports the claim that “2 millions Africans are dying
of AIDS every year”.
We visited MEDUNSA, a hospital for four million poor
(Soweto is included) persons. Doctors explained us
that they see no clinical difference between a person
with, e.g. tuberculosis and an “AIDS-case” with
tuberculosis; they don’t apply the totally ascientific
Bangui definition and the only reason they diagnose
the last as “AIDS’ is because of a positive result to
an ELISA test. But we also demand the scientific proof
that any of the so-called “HIV-tests” are valid.
Professor Sam Mhlongo, head of the hospital sent us to
“AIDS”-ward. Not one single patient was inside. We
took pictures. It is constantly stated that “thousands
of persons die everyday of AIDS”… But Dr. Makgoba
recognized that the real number of “AIDS-cases” and
“AIDS-deaths” are totally unknown.
We don’t deny a certain increase of illnesses and
deaths in the last years. But if you take off
“HIV/AIDS”-glasses, then we may together find other
and real reasons that permit better understanding and
especially to better act in order to change the
situation. Then it is possible to see that after the
end of apartheid millions of black people have become
citizens and have got access to the health system;
that the number of poor immigrants is increasing;
stresses associated with changing social conditions;
that the side effects of increasing use of vaccines,
antibiotics, etc, may play a role. It is probably
these factors that President Mbeki summarizes with the
word “poverty”.
The initiative of President Mbeki to open a scientific
debate on “AIDS” has led to a decisive agreement in
his AIDS Advisory Panel. It will be to verify the
validity of “HIV tests” in the proper manner never
before attempted in “AIDS science”, that is, applying
‘the gold standard’. This means that for each test of
the blood of a significant number of persons that give
a positive “HIV-test” result, “HIV” must be isolated.
Using the same technique, in the blood of a
significant number of persons that give a negative
“HIV-test” result no “HIV” must be isolated.
The results of these experiments will probably and
definitively break the silence and all
“HIV/AIDS”-glasses will disappear. This will imply the
end of “AIDS”. For this reason we welcome you year
2002 in Barcelona, our city, to participate in the
First World Congress for Health and Life that we
propose to organize over the same dates programmed for
the XIV International AIDS Conference. Persons,
associations, institutions, etc., interested in
associating themselves with our congress and/ or
co-organizing are invited to contact us.
- AVS (Asociacion de Vencedores del SIDA –
AIDS-winners Association), Barcelona, Spain
- PLURAL-21 (Asociacion para el cuidado de la vida en
un planeta vivo – Association for the care of life in
a living planet), Barcelona, Spain
- REGIMED (Research Group in Investigative MEDicine &
journalism), International
- MuM (Wissenchaft, Medizin und Menschenrechte –
Science, Medicine and Human Rights), Stuttgart,
- HEAL (Health Education AIDS Liaison), New York, USA
- AMG (
Association Mark Griffiths), La Serpent, France
- Alive & Well AIDS Alternatives, Los Angeles,
California, USA
- Prof. Peter Kanyandago, Director of the African
Research & Documentation Center, Martyrs University,
Kampala, Uganda
- JANK (Joint Action Council Kannur), New Delhi, India
- IFAS (International Forum for Accesible Science),
- GAIA Trust (Gaia International Association),
- HERETES, Chezc Republic
- AMC (Asociacion de Medicinas Complementarias),
Madrid, Spain
- ANI (Academy of Nutrition Improvement), Nagpur,
English web:
Direct e-mail contact:
Association for the care of life in a living planet
Cartagena, 230 08013 Barcelona
tel. 34.93.4501300
fax 34.93.4564825