Vienna, Austria 2010
- Uta Santos-Konig, 'Immaculate conception or maculate perception - A view of science through Ludwik Fleck's spectacles' (German 00:38h)
- Neville Hodgkinson, 'HIV/AIDS and Goethe's Faust: A pact with the devil?' (English 00:45h)
- Claus Kohnlein, 'HIV/AIDS therapy - Where are the facts?' (German 00:30h)
- Christian Fiala, 'The epidemic that never happened - Not even in Africa' (German 00:44h)
- Juliane Sacher, 'HIV/AIDS - New therapeutic concepts according to latest immunological research' (German 00:30h)
- Harry van der Zee, 'AIDS and homoepathy in Africa' (English 00:37h)
- Joan Shenton, 'AIDS - Exposing the myths - A video history' (English 00:42h)
- Henry Bauer, 'Hindrances to scientific progress and the failings of HIV/AIDS theory' (English 00:35h)
- Peter Duesberg, 'African population doubled from 400 to 800 millions during the HIV-AIDS era' (English 01:08h)
- Etienne de Harven, 'AIDS research significantly confused by Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs)' (English 00:39h)
- Marco Ruggiero, 'Religion, politics & AIDS in Italy' (English 00:34h)
- John Lauritsen, 'The "AIDS" hoax and gay men' (English 00:33h)
- Karri Stokely, 'How I fell victim to the AIDS machine' (English 00:16h)
- Lindsey Nagel, 'How I fell victim to the AIDS machine' (English 00:10h)
- Nancy Banks, 'AIDS, opium, diamonds and empire' (English 00:40h)