The death drums, played nightly
after the news in Uganda sent a chill of fear through the people. For a
period these funeral drums were used to tell them what would happen if
they made love to someone new without using protection. HIV would get them
- AIDS would kill them.
The picture of AIDS in Africa
over the past eight years has been one of unremitting horror. The World
Health Organisation describes subsaharan Africa as having the highest rates
of HIV infection in the world - an estimated 1 in 40 adults - and predicts
that by the end of the century there will be half a million deaths a year.
Academic articles like these
by Professor Roy Anderson in the UK are currently stating that AIDS will
bring about a decrease in population in a few decades and this will lead
to political disturbances in the continent of Africa.
The heterosexual transmission
of AIDS through unprotected sex is blamed for the spread of HIV and AIDS.
Health education now teaches school children of the dangers of sex without
a condom.
condom is a small rubber bag. Everything coming from a man's penis runs
into this little bag."
Uganda, struggling to
rebuild itself after two decades of civil war. A country that can only
afford under a dollar a year per person in health care, opened its arms
wide to international AID agencies. But the ensuing flow of often exaggerated
AIDS statistics that emerged from a multitude of western research projects
has backfired.
of Health, Uganda): "I am concerned about the interpretation of the
picture of AIDS in Uganada, and this is unfortunately arising from our
strategy of coming out and speaking openly about this disease, where some
countries have preferred not to publish the actual situation."
DR. SAM OKWARE (Deputy Director
Medical Services, AIDS and Communicable Diseases): "I think there
has been of late a lot of exaggeration about the extent to which AIDS is
affecting Africa and Uganda in particular. I think one of the reasons is
that we have been very open. We were the first African country to come
out very openly with a programme and this has somehow been misunderstood
by some people from the European countries, especially uninformed press
that this is the epicentre of AIDS. I don't think that's the problem. I
don't think that this is the epicentre of AIDS."
are trying to make a way of living out of this. You know, they think that
if they publicise it and they exaggerate it, they might win sympathy of
the international community and will get aid, or rather get assistance
from the - we need assistance but not with the - I mean, not through bluffing
people are dying at the rate which is not true."
both my literature review and my personal experience over most of the AIDS
- so called AIDS centres in Africa, I can find absolutely no believable
persuasive evidence that Africa is in the midst of a new epidemic of infectious
So is there an AIDS epidemic?
If not, how is it people are being misdiagnosed ?
This is the village of
Rakai, described as the epicentre of the AIDS epidemic. Villages like this
we are told have been wiped out by the disease. And AIDS is said to have
started here, going on, to infect the whole world.
Najemba is a typical victim
of the AIDS panic. People think she has AIDS although no one has ever tested
her blood. Like so many thousands, she is an AIDS case without any evidence.
She is struggling to survive but that is just as likely to be because she
is starving, living off scraps from her brother.
GERALD: "I can hardly
feed myself according to the salary that I get. That means I'm running
poverty. That's why you see me sleeping in such a thatched house which
is not good for my life. So now my worries is poverty first. Secondly I
lack food. Thirdly we don't get good water. We don't get medicine. We don't
get - let me say something that keep someone alive."
Gerald, his sister and
his family are locked into a cycle of poverty, acute food shortage, dirty
water and disease. In Africa, there are few places where HIV tests are
available. But on the basis of her symptoms alone, Najemba still qualifies
for an official AIDS diagnosis. She has suffered combined symptoms of fever
and diarrhoea for over a month and she's had a dry cough.
Question: "How
do you feel?"
NAJEMBA: "I don't feel
too bad but what I lack is things to drink."
Question: "Do
you think you have AIDS?"
NAJEMBA: "I can't be
sure because the partners I've had are fine."
When we first met Najemba
two months earlier she had such bad infections on her leg she couldn't
walk at all. There was no way she could possibly afford any antibiotics
so we left her some money for medicines and the leg infections have almost
dried up.
The fact that Najemba
hasn't been able to pay her rent combined with the belief that she has
AIDS means she is now being forced out of her homein the village. In her
fragile condition she has been trying to build a makeshift shelter in a
malaria infested banana grove. She has in fact been building her own tomb.
If Najemba dies her death will be blamed on AIDS but the real cause is
more likely to be the destitute living conditions in the Rakai.
In Najemba's village the
total breakdown of the health and medical services is only too apparent.
We visited the local hospital in this so-called epicentre of AIDS and found
a sorry scene. Not a single AIDS patient only an empty ward. No nurses,
no doctors only one tiny baby suffering from malaria convulsions surrounded
by her silent family. We then found the only member of staff who got up
from her sick bed to speak to us.
work as a midwife. And I also help in the treatment of other patients."
Question: "How
do you feel?"
I am sick."
Question: "What
do you have?"
Lack of staff and medicines
at these local hospitals and dispensaries has meant that sick people simply
stay in their own homes. But, Nurse Maxensia did agree to show us the medicines
cabinet stocked with some drugs supplied free under the World Health Organisation
Essential Drugs Programme - however under a new cost-sharing scheme villagers
are now asked to pay a fixed rate for them which for most means going without.
don't even come. Before we put up that system we used to have a lot of
patients here. For one day...one fifty out-patients without counting the
Question: "But
now we get few."
Question: "Because
they can't afford to buy?"
can't afford to pay."
Our journey through Uganda
took us through the Rakai region to the town of Kyotera. We travelled with
Ugandan radio journalist Sam Mulondo who has been covering AIDS stories
both in his country and in Europe. Here it seems that the fear of AIDS
is having as great an effect as AIDS itself.
are dying psychologically and the active cells, scientists call it active
cells, or something, psychological death. Many are dying because of that.
Somebody gets simple malaria, they fear to go to the doctor, to see a doctor,
just because they will be branded with this clinical case as an AIDS or
HIV. People are just left at home, they don't go for any treatment whatsoever.
Any slight infection, people don't go to hospital. In addition to this
area lacking proper medical care facilities, people are worried about the
water they drink. They don't have treated water, t-piped water, it's only
from the springs, well which is contaminated as it rains all sorts of,
you know, contamination, goes into the springs and well, they simple pick
that water through these jerrycans, plastic things, take home. Most of
them they don't boil that water, they just drink it."
At Uganda's capital, Kampala,
Mulago Hospital's long tradition of excellence in tropical medicine has
made it a focal point for AIDS research programmes. Here as in all African
countries HIV tests are too expensive for general use. AIDS is diagnosed
through guidelines laid down by the World Health organisation known as
the 'Bangui clinical case definition.' To qualify for AIDS someone must
have a combination of symptoms like persistent diarrhoea and fever for
a month and a dry cough. The trouble is that many of these symptoms are
indistinguishable from those of old established diseases like TB and malaria.
The Ugandan Ministry of
Health did not allow us access to film patients inside their hospitals.
They were concerned about patient privacy and the projection of too many
negative images in the West. But we were able to speak freely to the doctors.
At Old Mulago Hospital,
Dr. Martin Okot-Nwang is in charge of the TB wards. He is concerned
about the way TB and AIDS statistics are being wrongly reported. TB is
a disease that occurs where there is poverty, malnutrition and lack of
medicines. Conditions all rife in today's Uganda. Figures have doubled
recently in these wards.
have just recently undergone through a series of wars in this country,
and this has led to a breakdown in our health services. It's not unknown
that following war famine increases do occur, particularly in infectious
diseases or communicable diseases, of which TB is one of them."
The rise in TB cases in
Africa has led some scientists to speculate that the HIV virus is making
some people more susceptible to the disease but it is hard to find any
evidence for this. What IS documented is that flaws in the clinical case
definition, that is the combination of symptoms used for diagnosing AIDS
without an HIV test, have meant that many TB cases have mistakenly been
called AIDS.
patient who has TB and is HIV positive would appear exactly the same as
a patient who has TB and is HIV negative. Clinically both patients could
present with long fever, both patients present with loss of weight, marked
loss of weight, both patients who actually present with a prolonged cough,
and in both cases the cough could equally be productive. Now therefore
clinically I cannot differentiate with the two. Even when I look at the
blood I may find some similarities between the two groups."
In the past TB of the
lung or pulmonary TB was not considered a disease that qualified as AIDS
by the US Centres for Disease Control but it was added to their list in
January this year.
think if they include pulmonary tuberculosis as an AIDS defining case then
all the TBs in Africa will - almost all the TBs in Africa - will be AIDS."
The danger in calling
all TB cases AIDS means that money badly needed for the treatment and cure
of TB is being diverted into preventing the spread of HIV.
think that there is to - there is a lot of attention that has been paid
to HIV and to the detriment of many other diseases. And as less and less
money becomes available, these diseases themselves could become a public
health hazard. Malaria we are seeing a resurgence of malaria."
is quite a big problem in Uganda. It's the commonest disease in all parts
of the country and it's the commonest outpatient problem in all health
units in this country."
Question: "Is
it curable?"
much so. It's very curable. The drugs are available. Chloroquine, which
is still the cheapest is still effective."
Question: "Are
you able to supply the medicines that are really needed?"
the supplies of medicines are not actually adequate in most health units."
Question: "Are
you worried..."
a very important point. We have periodically emphasised that research of
any kind, not only AIDS should have a component of patient care, while
we do agree that there should be a change in behaviour, and that's a very
important strategy. But it would be ridiculous to leave people to die of
Question: "Are
you able to persuade the foreign agencies to provide funding for medication
or are they reluctant?"
has been little compliance on the side of actual patient care. We are having
a lot of problems."
Our search for the best
documented data on HIV and AIDS took us across Africa from East to West
3000 miles to Cote d'Ivoire. It's capital, Abidjan has been chosen by many
international agencies to further research into HIV.
A stable political environment,
well developed health services infrastructure, meeting place of different
cultures and busy tourist trade have made it a useful centre for research
Professor Kassi Manlan
is Cote d'Ivoire's Director General for Health and Social Services.
situation concerning HIV infection and AIDS in Cote d'Ivoire is the most
serious in all of West Africa, as we come sixth amongst all sub-Saharan
countries and we are in first place in West Africa in terms of prevalence."
In Abidjan epidemiologist
Dr. Kevin De Cock heads a two million dollar a year AIDS reseach project
funded by the US Centres for disease control or CDC. He is convinced that
there is a mounting AIDS epidemic.
problem is actually it is undermeasured. If you don't measure how changes
in - how patterns of mortality, for example, are changing, you know. We've
looked at it in Abidjan and they've changed extraordinarily since the AIDS
epidemic. With a tremendous increase in death. In premature death. This
is an epidemic of historical importance. It is an epidemic that going to
last for decades, it may last more than a century."
Prophecies of doom for
Africa should perhaps be judged against similar predictions that have long
been made of an AIDS catastrophe in the West. Predictions we now know to
be greatly inflated. The committee appointed by the UK government in 1988
predicted UK AIDS figures for '92 that were over double what they turned
out to be. In fact the only scientist who has consistently predicted almost
exactly the right figures for the UK is Professor Gordon Stewart.
because those predictions are so erroneous, and because the methods used
by and large are the same, I find it very hard to understand why they place
such confidence in those estimates for Africa, even though the confidence
limits are wide. I mean at one extreme they'll say a very small number,
the other extreme a very large number, and saying that it's not easy in
between to decide what's going to happen, but that makes it all the more
important to avoid making those statements about - the sense of doom about
whole populations being exterminated. I can't see at the moment that we
have justification for saying this."
Dr. Havey Bialy who has
lived and worked in Africa is deeply sceptical of any current AIDS claims
about the continent.
claims are just that. They are based on no real evidence whatsoever. In
fact, the evidence could not really exist because mortality figures for
the continent of Africa have never been kept as matters of record by the
governments, even within hospitals. These figures are extraordinarily difficult
to come by."
One group that is being
closely observed is the prostitutes of Abidjan. Research shows a much higher
incidence of HIV than in the rest of the population. Some of the women
have been falling seriously ill and some have died. But prostitution often
goes hand in hand with hard drugs and Abidjan's recent tourist boom has
helped finance an escalating drugs problem.
As yet there is no useful
evidence as to whether the prostitutes are dying of HIV infection or drug
addiction. Cote D'Ivoire Committee for the Fight Against AIDS has just
started a project amongst prostitutes.
in this field it's true we have a big drugs problem. We have to be very
careful not to upset the sensitive work that we are doing with this group."
Question: "They
smoke cocaine and heroin don't they? They smoke it?"
is the most widely smoked drug. Cocaine has been introduced into the country
more and more. Heroin is very tightly controlled, but, you know, it difficult
to completely regulate this area."
Many prostitutes like
Alice from Ghana are not convinced that it is sexually transmitted HIV
that is killing them. They believe it is the drug addicts amongst them
who are dying. Like the story of a Liberian friend who was diagnosed with
AIDS or SIDA as the French call it.
ALICE: "Drug, she took
drugs too much."
Question: "So
what happened?"
ALICE: "Er..."
Question: "She
was sick?"
ALICE: "Yes, if she
smoke the drug, didn't job. No job."
Question: "So,
she went to the hospital."
ALICE: "Yeah."
Question: "And
then what happened?"
ALICE: "They no have
medicines, she died, for them."
Question: "She
died? Why did she have no medicine?"
ALICE: "No have money."
Question: "No
ALICE: "No money."
Question: "So
she died?"
ALICE: "Yeah."
Question: "And
was that SIDA do you think?"
ALICE: "No."
Question: "What
was it?"
ALICE: "Well say the
SIDA, the doctor come tell it's SIDA. It's not SIDA."
Question: "You
don't think it was SIDA?"
ALICE: "No, no, no..."
Question: "What
do you think it was?"
ALICE: "Drugs."
girls are consuming hard drugs in a smokeable form - namely, heroin and
cocaine, in vilely adulterated versions for the first time in the history
of Africa. And these drugs began to make their way into Abidjan in 1985-'86.
They are epidemic amongst certain classes of prostitutes right now, and
these are the only girls that are getting sick. It looks like AIDS because
these girls are wasted both because of the direct effect of the drugs and
because they use what little money they have on drugs, rather than on food."
Investment in AIDS research
in Abidjan has led to extensive testing for HIV. Projects like this one
at a maternity clinic in Koumassi have shown a greater incidence of HIV
in Africa than in the West. But what they do not seem to be showing so
far is a frequent progression to AIDS. That is only the first of the puzzles.
80% of the HIV positive
mothers at this clinic are perfectly well. Jeanette, for example, who is
visiting the clinic today for a regular check up and blood test for her
baby, Ann.
speaking the two women we have just seen this morning are asymptomatic.
They have no signs of AIDS, but the problem is, we don't know when they
were infected. But what puzzles us is the fact that many of the women who
are classed as negative fulfill, the definitions for AIDS."
The study's director Dr.
Georgette Adjorlolo has noticed that in the HIV positive group there are
marked differences in progression to AIDS.
have no doubt that the HIV virus is the cause of AIDS. But we are seeing
differences in progression to AIDS, and these observations lead me to think
that it's not only HIV - but certain co-factors that accelerate the onset
of the disease - and maybe other factors such as nutrition, and concurrent
virus is only a co-factor. One can perhaps say that progression to AIDS
is not inevitable - that many people may encounter the human immunodeficiency
virus, some will get AIDS, and others will not. One must therefore consider
that there are several factors which we have to identify to improve our
understanding of the disease and also to improve the way in which we wish
to fight against it."
The more research funding
that is put into Africa the greater the anomalies that emerge. Does HIV
need triggers to turn into AIDS ? Can you have AIDS without HIV ? Can you
live with HIV and not get AIDS ? Our search took us on to Cameroon.
The Seventh International
African AIDS Conference held in Yaounde, Cameroon. Here the emphasis is
almost exclusively on controlling AIDS by controlling the sexual spread
of HIV. The conference attracted over two thousand delegates from all over
the world.
Although AIDS was first
diagnosed in the United States in the early eighties, many still look to
Africa for the origin of the disease, blaming the African green monkey
and African sexual practices. But, as more is understood about the disease
the western model of AIDS seems to have less and less in common with AIDS
in Africa. In the West, 90% of its victims are male; in Africa nearly half
of the diagnosed cases are women.
Blaming Africa for AIDS
caused puzzlement at first and then outright anger amongst many Africans.
were many many examples but one example is that African gave their children
dead monkeys to play with as toys and there was all this nonsense about
how promiscuous Africans were than, any other humans. I mean, I could go
on and on. I mean and that African believe that the only cure for AIDS
was to sleep with virgins and this is why AIDS was so widespread in Africa.
Most of them were all based on racism or racist preconceptions of Africans.
The allegations really that Africans were more promiscuous than the rest
of the human race were unfounded. They didn't make any sense scientifically.
In fact when they sent teams of researchers, sociologists, anthropologists
to Africa, they were amazed that Africans were actually much more conservative
in their sexual practices."
A focal point of the conference
was the need to change sexual practices and how to encourage the use of
see there is the tank. This is the tank where the sperm will remain after
ejaculation. You hold like this. And gently it goes down, make sure this
one you press the tank gently. And there it is."
The Cameroun conference
was a grand affair, drawing together all the national and international
dignitaries of the AIDS round.
But behind the scenes
a French charity worker called Philippe Krynen was photocopying his protest
pamphlets down the road - pamphlets critical of the AIDS hype he has experienced
in Africa. He is angry at the way exaggerated figures for the prevalence
of HIV in his area of Tanzania are causing distress and even death in his
communities, so he decided to test an entire village and called a press
conference here in Cameroun to announce the results.
got a whole village coming forward to volunteer to know - you know what
? To know if they are going to die. What is important is to see that these
declared cases of deaths from AIDS have not increased. In this village
particularly since two years."
We went to visit Philippe
across the Ugandan border into the Kagera region of Tanzania. Philippe
was waiting for us across the border. He is director of Partage, a French
charity that supports, through individual sponsorship, orphan children
in this remote region. Orphan in this part of Africa means a person under
18 who has lost one or both parents. It can also refer to children with
special needs. Philippe travels constantly and has noticed that the number
of so-called AIDS deaths is diminishing in this area.
see that the casualties because of AIDS with the diseases which are called
AIDS here which are similar to the symptoms of AIDS, they are less and
less since now two years."
Philippe and his wife
Evelyne have based themselves in Bukoba a once prosperous town on the edge
of Lake Victoria that has fallen out of political favour over the years
and is suffering increasing poverty and neglect. Here Partage provides
medical care, schooling and support to children in fifteen villages spread
over a vast region spanning over 1000 square miles. So great has been the
fear of AIDS in this community that Philippe has found it difficult to
generate community support for the orphan children.
can you ask people who believe they are going to die tomorrow, how can
you ask them to look into the future which are the children. They give
up, they don't invest. They don't want to come to work in northern Kagera
because they think that they are going to die of AIDS, or to contract it."
HIV awareness campaigns
have been particularly successful in this region leading most people to
believe they could be infected. Philippe decided to get at the facts. First
he asked all of his 160 workers if they would volunteer for confirmed HIV
tests. He found 5% were positive. Then a whole village of 842 people volunteered.
He found 13.8% were positive. These figures are higher than estimates for
the number of HIV positives in the West, which are less than 1%, but substantially
lower than previous estimates for this region of Tanzania.
is the first time in Africa that a village has volunteered as a whole to
be tested for a deathful disease. That everybody has got his results and
that the truth has been five times lower than the figures given by the
World Health Organisation of the AIDS control programmes."
Rebuilding the shattered
confidence and morale in this region has required dedicated follow-up.
Lucy is an orphan who
was working as one of Philippe's trainees. She became ill with repeated
infections and lost over 20 pounds in weight. Most people thought she had
LUCY: "I was very ill
at home when Mr. Philippe came to the village Mwambele led him to my house.
Mr. Philippe was worried and took me to hospital."
Philippe discovered that
Lucy had been diagnosed as HIV positive in an unconfirmed screening test.
He and his wife decided to support Lucy and help her regain her position
in the community. They moved her out of her small hut and built a new house
for her.
slowly in four five months time, Lucy started top recover, to put weight.
Supplemented with vitamins, supplemented with food, with a better salary.
And because she had put weight again, and she had been freed of skin diseases,
her friends started to look at her differently. Not putting her on a side
and not being afraid of her. Because they started to question if really
she had AIDS or not. It's very seldom you see people who have been stigmatised
with AIDS, who are not dying a few months later. So, Lucy was one of the
first persons who, because we didn't support the AIDS tag on her, recovered
and was proof to the community that you can recover for - from such episodes."
LUCY: "I am strong and
I'm back to my old weight. So, I can do any work I'm faced with."
Question: "What
would you like to see happen?"
LUCY: "I hope to have
In three successive tests
Lucy has now been found to be HIV negative. She is just one example of
the mass of flawed HIV statistics that bedevil Africa. Her unconfirmed
screening test would have been included in the official reported figures
for HIV positives.
of these tests are so non-specific that 80 - 90% of the positives that
are picked up are false positives. They're reacting to antibodies that
are not HIV specific. And when one realises that these tests are being
pushed in a context in which we have to test as many people as possible,
the inevitable outcome is that Africa - the figures for numbers of HIV
infections in Africa will become wildly exaggerated and feed into a very,
very deadly self-fulfilling prophesy."
According to official
figures, over a period of 8 years in the United States there's been a relatively
stable estimate of 1 million HIV positive people. The total number of reported
AIDS cases is 250,000. In subsaharan Africa, as testing has increased,
the estimated HIV positive total has risen to six million people (six times
the US figures). But the total number of reported AIDS cases is only 129,000
- (half the US figure).
The disparity between
HIV and AIDS here and in the West is dramatic but the single most obvious
fact about AIDS and HIV statistics in Africa is that they are unreliable
and virtually useless in charting the course of AIDS. HIV figures are flawed
because the tests are unreliable, giving too many false positives.
And identifying AIDS through
the Bangui case definition, by looking for a combination of several symptoms,
is also flawed because so many other diseases get swept into the net.
Does the African experience
of AIDS help our understanding of AIDS in the West ? One who thinks it
does is molecular biologist Professor Peter Duesberg. He has argued for
six years that HIV is not the cause of AIDS. In leading science journals
he develops his view that HIV is no more than a passenger or hitchhiker
that's around, like other bugs, when people are at risk - a bug that's
dormant rather than fatal. And he points to one anomaly in particular in
Africa's statistics that he believes supports his theory - more than two
thousand documented cases of AIDS without HIV.
Many of these cases come
from Dr. Kevin de Cock's studies in Abidjan'a three main hospitals. There
over one third of cases NOT qualifying as AIDS under the Bangui definition
of symptoms were HIV positive and one third of cases which DID qualify
as AIDS were HIV negative. How does Dr. de Cock explain the cases in his
study which have been diagnosed as AIDS cases but when tested have been
found not to have HIV ?
we're talking about AIDS we should perhaps scrap that word and talk about
HIV disease. Alright. It's very clear what is HIV disease. Now it is not
surprising that the constellation of symptoms, signs, and indeed, opportunistic
infections, occasionally - occasionally occur in people without HIV infection."
are thousands of documented cases from the Third World, from Africa in
particular, of clinically reportable AIDS in which HIV testing has been
done and found to be negative. I think it's amongst the strongest arguments
that HIV is irrelevant to the development of AIDS in at least some cases
if not all cases."
Dr. de Cock maintains
that those HIV negative cases may have looked like AIDS but they were simply
conditions which were drawn into the net when collecting numbers of patients
for resarch purposes and not for patient care.
Question: "These
2400 cases were called AIDS, for all intents and purposes, in all the literature.
And yet you're saying they shouldn't have been called AIDS. But they were
identical to AIDS. So, are you saying..."
they were HIV negative."
Question: "So,
are you saying there have been 2400 misdiagnoses?"
you talking about - we're talking about the quality of surveillance data."
Question: "The
documented cases of full blown AIDS which, when tested, were HIV negative."
then they're not AIDS cases. They're not AIDS in the way we talk about
HIV disease."
Question: "But
they were called AIDS in the documents. They were called clinical case
definition Bangui AIDS. Do you see?"
course I see. Any case definition particularly one which is clinically
based is not going to be perfect."
one has clinically identical pictures one with HIV antibodies, one without
HIV anti-bodies - to call one AIDS and one not AIDS is patent absurdity.
This is irrefutable proof that HIV is not necessary for the presence of
AIDS, except by definition."
In Uganda's the external
debt now stands at $ 570 million. The interest payments on these debts
amount to twice the total annual health budget, which is about half of
one per cent of the Gross Domestic Product.
There is a crying need
to call on health funding from outside - the trouble is HIV prevention
is swallowing most of it up. In 1992 Uganda's total budget for malaria
treatment and control was less than $ 57,000 yet foreign funding for AIDS
was over $6 million dollars.
However well intentioned,
AIDS funders also have their own agendas. The American government's aid
agency US AID's genuine desire to help prevent the spread of HIV by funding
counselling and condom distribution coincides with its declared interest
in population control. It's investment in HIV prevention is huge.
next five years AID plans to devote hopefully as much as $ 400 million
for prevention activities worldwide. Much of that will go to Africa to
help develop larger, more comprehensive and integrated programmes that
we hope will be able to show to the world that you can make an impact on
behavior change and we can make an impact on slowing down the spread of
HIV transmission."
Question: "There
has been some criticism that US AID's policy in Africa of distributing
condoms suits US AID's policy for population control and this is worrying
some African spokespeople. What is your view?"
always had a very strong emphasis on population. But condoms have never
been, the contraceptive of choice for population programmes and so condom
use in population programmes has not been particularly successful."
have about - more than 700 non-government organisations, operating in the
AIDS field in Uganda. This raises a lot of concern, because a few of them
are doing a very good job. But a good number of them, my ministry is not
aware of what they're actually doing, and there is no way of evaluating
them. Unfortunately a good number of them do rush in, collect data, and
go away with it, and the next we hear about it is when it is being printed
in journals, and we have not had any imput and some of this work has been
done in very limited areas, not reflecting the rest of the country."
At Mulago Hospital senior
lecturer, Dr. David Serwadda is not at all happy with the wayresearch projects
have been conducted in Uganda, and in 1990 published his criticisms of
western researchers in The Lancet.
concerned about who is setting the priority. Two, the main results who
- the implications of the results, how applicable are they and how relevant
they are to our environment. And three the training during the course of
the execution of the research - to train the local individuals so that
at the end of the research, there is some local manpower that is trained
to be able to carry on independent research."
Dr. Serwadda has
told us he keeps an open mind as to whether HIV is the cause of AIDS and
is conducting his own research in the Rakai District with a team from Mulago
Hospital. Contrary to previous reports, he has found a lower than expected
incidence of HIV - at 12.6%. Almost the same as Philippe Krynen's findings
in the neighbouring region of Tanzania. Another of his projects involves
following up, one hundred 'discordant' couples where one partner is HIV
positive and the other negative.
results of the study so far shows that in only five pairs have both individuals
become positive. This was a pleasant surprise because I had expected a
much higher set of conversions."
Question: "Which
means both couples becoming positive over a two year period."
If HIV were one day found
not to be the cause of AIDS then the consequences for Africa and Africans
of following the HIV hypothesis would have been grave indeed.
keeps a man energetic and keeps them doing what they do is their hope for
the future. But once you tell me that I am HIV positive then you have given
me this message that you are going to die, and therefore I have no energy
for the future."
In spite of everything,
life and love goes on in Uganda and even those who believe HIV does play
a role in AIDS have strong messages of hope for the future.
see the majority of our people here are children who are below the age
of 19, and these are more than 50 percent and they're all negative, most
of them are negative. If you look at the seropositivity, incidents or prevalence
of AIDS cases here in this country you'll find that not more than six percent
of the general population is affected. Now six percent leaves 94 percent
of the population completely able to perform what should have been done
by the rest of the population. So, I don't think AIDS really in the long
run will completely mutilate and disintegrate Africa."