Statement IFAS for the Commission on Human Rights at the United Nations in Geneva
18 April 2000
The following statement was held by Mr. Daniel Rietiker (legal advisor to
IFAS) on Monday, 17th April 2000 at the 53rd Meeting of the 56th Session of
the Commission on Human Rights at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland
Agenda Item 17 "Science & Environment"; 17.04.00
International Educational Development/Humanitarian Law Project
congratulates the government of both India and South Africa on their
efforts to address critical issues relating to AIDS. India's President Shri
Kocheril Raman Narayanan welcomed a conference held in Nagpur India in
January 2000, which offered for the first time a scientific forum where
voices critical of the "HIV"-AIDS dogma met with those supporting it. The
conference was a success and was followed by exceptionally fair and
balanced reporting by the Indian press.
The President of South Africa Mr. Thabo Mbeki has also understood the
importance of involving the critics in a fruitful scientific debate. ANC
media co-ordinator Ms. Kota-Mayosi rightly put the justification for a
public re-assessing of AIDS involving the critics: "This debate has been
limited only to people who promote the school of thought that HIV causes
Instead of taking advantage of badly needed re-evaluation the
"HIV"-establishment responded with out-rage, beginning a campaign against
the SA-government and any who dare to question their point of view.
However, as Ms Kota-Mayosi said: "Enough questions have been raised about
the causal relationship between HIV and AIDS for that relationship to
warrant rigorous scientific investigation". After all, it is a President's
duty to protect the citizens from harm and his right to demand scientific
Just about every thing in the propagated beliefs about AIDS must be subject
to scrutiny. "HIV" has NOT been isolated as a virus as has been publicly
admitted by its considered discoverer Prof. Luc Montagnier, confirming what
we have been saying for years (CONTINUUM, Vol. 5; No. 2; 97/8). Even UNAIDS
now crusades to "counter the denial of the existence or threat of HIV
(...)" (HIV and Infant Feeding; Guidelines for decision-makers;
UNAIDS/98.3), but to date, they have failed to do so. For many years
international and national health authorities have been asked for the
scientific proof of the "HIV"-AIDS-hypothesis but no such proof has
surfaced. Now, US "HIV" researcher John Moore claims these debates have
been held and settled in America and Europe. BY WHOM, WHERE AND WHEN? It is
NOT an American standard to break the roles - scientific established rules
for that matter - DURING the game. If done so, don't be surprised if you
become subject to rigorous and vehement questioning.
To then slam the people who have the courage to demand answers as
"Flat-earthers", "Holocaust-deniers" and "Child-killers" is simply an
attempt to establish critics as "terrorists" to "justify" avoiding dispute
over scientific contents. The irresponsible and unprofessional handling of
the AIDS-crisis seriously undermines scientific progress in medical
If the international "HIV"-establishment chooses to protect financial
interests by ignoring the fundamental challenges to "common beliefs", it
will continuously contribute to enormous suffering even death. However,
people doomed to death, e.g. parents cannot afford to ignore these
challenges when making responsible decisions (informed choice) for
themselves and their children. What good is such an informed choice - a
declared patient right by the World Medical Association - if so much
information is censored by the media and the responsible agencies?
While we welcome President Mbeki's attempt to re-assess AIDS, we consider
his current approach in terms of agenda, participants/structure and
time-frame as insufficient to fully elaborate the fundamental problem with
"HIV" the alleged virus suggested to cause AIDS (non-isolation) and all
subsequent ones. Hence, many more inquiries will be needed to shed light
into this medical tragedy!
IED/HLP asks the commission to put "science & environment" separately on
the agenda on an annual bases. Human rights violations based on highly
questionable science, genetic piracy, abuse of humans in bio-medical
research are but a few of the many issues to be addressed.
The following national and international organisations support the efforts
by South African President Mr. Thabo Mbeki:
The South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR);
the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf); the Akademy vir Wetenskap
and Kuns (SAAWEK); the National Youth Commission, the African National
Congress (ANC); the editors of the South African Medical Journal (SAMJ) and
the South African Journal of Science (SAJS); the International Forum for
Accessible Science (IFAS), Switzerland; Integrated & Science for African
Community 2000 (ISAC 2000), Kenya/Uganda; Academy of Nutrition Improvement
(ANI), India; Act-Up San Francisco and Act-Up Hollywood, USA; Alberta
Reappraising AIDS Society, Canada; Alive & Well Network, USA; Continuum
Magazine, England; The Long-term Survivor Network (Quest-Project), England;
El Peque o Periodico; The Forum for Debating AIDS, South Africa; Fundacion
Arte y Ciencia, Columbia; The Group for the Scientific Reappraisal of the
HIV-AIDS-Hypothesis, USA; The international Health Education AIDS Liaison
(HEAL) Network; Joint Action Council Kannur (JACK), India; The Study Group
for AIDS-Therapy, Switzerland; Journalists for a Free Media; Mothers
Opposing Mandatory Medicine (MOM); The Mythbusters, New York Rethinking
AIDS-Society (NYRAS), The Sheppard Foundation and Students Against the HIV
Causes AIDS Hypothesis (SATHIVCAH). Many more organisations around the
glove have been challenging the current AIDS-dogma.
This statement is based on the INFORMATION DOSSIER ON AIDS by IFAS (3rd
edition is on its way).
For further information contact:
International Forum for Accessible Science
(IFAS), POBox 486, 3000 Bern 22, Switzerland
phone: +41 31 332 3531; fax: +41 31 348 1636
Michael U. Baumgartner, Secretary General IFAS,