A growing group of scientists think the AIDS virus is harmless
and AIDS is not contagious.
Log of main changes and additions
More additions (1996-2002) are linked on the FRONT NEWS pages.
2 Feb. '13 Added latest paper (2011) by Duesberg et al..
15 July '12 Added 'A Ray of Hope', a 1996 BBC video documentary on AZT.
2 Dec. '11 Added more articles to the Duesberg bibliography, some more articles on the War on Cancer (Gold 1986, The Ecologist 1998), the 'The Science of Panic' video, and the 'The Emperor's New Virus?' video.
29 Oct. '10 Added more articles on the War on Cancer.
7 Sept. '10 Added Vienna conference video's.
8 June '10 Added House of Numbers video.
14 April '10 Added RA 2009 conference video's.
15 March '10 Added/updated RA newsletter archive.
5 Feb. '10 Fixed audio streams, added video archive.
12 April '09 Changed the text on the homepage.
13 Jan. '08 Installed new content management system, cleaned up and migrated the signatories database and Mbeki petition. Fixed some broken links. Added new homepage.
7 July '03 Added new paper by Duesberg (.pdf version), and some other minor updates.
17 May '02 Installed new web forum.
11 April '02 Added ANC document, article by Lauritsen, presentation by Fiala
24 Dec. '01 Added section on nevirapine, and book by
14 Aug. '01 Added articles by Spranger and Jerndal.
24 May '01 Update site: links checked, improved/extended the
index, changed name of site to 'VirusMyth'.
8 April '01 Added lecture by Tracey,
letter by de Harven and Stewart.
24 Feb. '01 Added interview Al-Bayati.
6 Feb. '01 Added book by Giraldo, book by Al-Bayati, and book by Caton, several articles by Johnson, Giraldo, Kent and Lang.
23 May '00 Added more videos.
23 April '00 Added video page.
12 Feb. '00 Added FDA docs AZT phase II trial.
9 Dec. '99 Added article by Giraldo.
1 Nov. '99 Added article about condoms,
and article by Geshekter.
25 Sept. '99 Added paper by de Harven.
18 March. '99: Added article by Kremer, Farber, and interview with Hodgkinson.
7 Feb. '99: Added the list with factors known to cause false-positive test results.
22 Jan. '99: Improved the author index.
13 Jan. '99: Added new publication by Perth Group.
3 Dec. '98: Added the SMON story.
29 Nov. '98: Added (update) Geneva Presentation Perth Group.
19 Nov. '98: Added articles by Fiala. Sept. issue Reappraising AIDS Newsletter.
19 Aug. '98: Added article by Hodgkinson.
1 Aug '98: Added new article by Koliadin and article by Turner.
20 May '98: Added book by Lang, and new paper by H�ssig et al.
16 May '98: Added two new issues of the Reappraising AIDS
20 April '98: Added paper by Luca and
article by Griffin.
8 April '98: Added interview with Montagnier,
and reply by Papadopulos et al.
6 April '98: Added two articles by Koliadin.
3 April '98: Added two articles by Werth, and some
more articles on Gallo.
25 March '98: Added three articles by Liversidge.
22 March '98: Added interview with Turner.
2 March '98: Added story about Sonnabend, and two
of his papers. Added also interview with Schmidt, and a paper by him.
And a new article by Koliadin. See also the new Perth Group
3 Feb. '98: Added article by Young, and article
by Geshekter. The Nov./Dec. issue of Reappraising AIDS is now online too.
14 Jan. '98: Removed some links from the homepage, added new forums page, and find
5 Jan. '98: Added the Continuum interview with Papadopulos.
29 Dec. '97: Added also new article from The Perth Group, go here. You can now also listen to the Meditel
documentaries with a Real Audio player.
10 Dec. '97: Added the statement, new members of The Group
can now register online, and will be put on the list automatically. New homepage Reappraising
AIDS newsletter, and updated HEAL chapter list.
26 Nov. '97: Added a new guestbook, a new
web board, and frame control and navigation. Installed a new and faster chat room
, and added a few bits about myself.
11 Nov. '97: Added info on book by Steven Epstein.
3 Nov. '97: Enhanched the homepages further. Changed the tour.
19 Sept. '97: Added summary views Papadopulos et al.
17 Sept. '97: Added some papers by H�ssig, see also the
science section.
10 Sept. '97: Added some papers by Chirimuuta
and some papers by Mertz.
4 Sept. '97: Added paper by Papadopulos et al.
31 July '97: Added article on protease inhibitors by Kremer, Lanka & H�ssig.
28 July '97: Added story about virus hunters by Adams,
the paper on the drug-AIDS hypothesis by Duesberg and Rasnick. And the second
round in the debate about the missing virus between Duesberg and Papadopulos et al.
4 June '97: Big update. New domain name (www.virusmyth.com), site installed on a new server (at xs4all.nl). Added
50+ more articles (+30%, now about 10 Mb of text files), an author index, and changed the layout a bit.
Many new articles are linked to the science section, and the
bibliographies. New in the book section is
'The AIDS Cult', new in the subject index are the
protease inhibitors and the WHO. New is also the
audio page, with more than two hours streaming audio (Java; no plug-in needed!), and a
possibility to search the articles on the site for keywords (WAIS). New
sponsor and support pages.
15 Dec. '96: Added several papers by Duesberg. see his bibliography,
changed and updated some other pages.
4 Dec. '96: Added AZT's instructions for use (PDR '96).
23 Oct. '96: Added 1990 paper by Root-Bernstein.
Vancouver report and article on AZT
lawsuit by Farber.
5 July '96: New enhanched homepage installed.
30 June '96: First graphics added.
24 May '96: Text only version of this website (ca. 4 Mb) was first uploaded.